So, since I will be traveling to Europe, this flight is going to be a long one.
We're talking about 10 HOURS. The longest flight I have ever been on was five hours, and that was flying to Seattle from Atlanta. This is definitely going to be a new experience for me. We will be leaving Dallas in the afternoon on a Saturday, and with the time change and the length of the flight, we will be hitting the ground running around 10 am on Sunday. That means no showering. Aannnd attempting to get a full night's of rest on a crowded giant metal flying tube. Ugh.
So, for all you long distance and even short distance travelers, I have been doing some research on some in-flight tips and this is what I have come up with:
- Bring an extra jacket or shirt. The cold-blooded creature next to you might have the AC over their chair on full blast.
- That being said, if you're on a long flight like me, bring an extra change of clothes so you're not stuck in the same outfit for two days straight. (You can change in the airplane bathroom)
- DRINK WATER! All those other people on the plane? They're sucking all the moisture out of the air, because the air in the plane is recycled. You need all the hydration you can get. Which leads me to my next point:
- Bring moisturizer. Your skin will get very dry, and you don't want to have crackly hands, crackly face, and or anything else crackly. Moisturize.
- Move around if you can. (but only when the fasten seat belt sign is off) If you don't stretch your legs a little for ten straight hours, walking around that new place is going to be killer.
- If you are a female who wears makeup, I suggest not wearing any to the airport. Than, do it about 45 minutes before you land so you will look fresh faced and fabulous when you get off that plane. SO, bring makeup remover wipes, makeup, and anything else you need. (*NOTE: MAKE SURE ALL PRODUCTS ARE SMALLER THAN 3.4 OZ)
- Bring a good book, iPod, pillow, laptop, movies, or anything else to entertain you with.
- Be a jerk to people. They are just as uncomfortable as you.
- Don't drink a lot of alcohol. It will dehydrate you.
- Wear uncomfortable clothes or shoes.
That's about it friends! Thanks for reading! I will be posting later about what I will be putting in my carry on/purse.
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